Is mentorship effective?

A mentor is to take all the experience that the person accumulated throughout their career and life and transfer it.

“Learning is finding out that you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, and teachers”

Richard Bach

Mentorship has a long history. The term mentor focuses on guidance and advice. 

The purpose of a mentor is to take all the experience that the person accumulated throughout their career and life and transfer it to their mentee for their benefit. 

What is a mentor?

First, a  mentor is a person who helps you grow your skills, make better decisions, and provide new perspectives on your life and career.

For that reason, this person you can look to make a strategic direction and a role model to imitate.

What are the benefits of a mentor?

Mentorship brings you guidance and supports your learnability. So a mentoring relationship means the mentee and the mentor stand to experience multiple benefits.

Always validate the mentor’s leadership skills. A mentor becomes a role model that can be a leader. Being a mentor needs to be recognized as an advisor, and learn to make effective communication. 

For mentors, it’s important: to gain new perspectives and give back and find new talent for the mentee.  

What are the benefits of a mentee?

Some advantages are to help for building inclusive workplaces, enhance skill development, networking opportunities, the potential for promotion, problem-solving, and knowledge transfer.

What is the importance of mentorship?

Bringing opportunities is the key for organizations.

Also, it provides employees with the opportunity to develop and become more competent in their roles to prepare for growth opportunities in the future.

So if we think about career and professional development, it is functional too in job embeddedness and retaining high performers.

Remember, you should find a mentor who has a title similar to the one you would like to have one day or who once worked in the position you have now so that you will have a common understanding of roles and responsibilities, as well as future possibilities.

Learn today, lead tomorrow!

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